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New Online Option to Report Child Abuse & Neglect

The Missouri Children’s Division has developed an online reporting system for use by mandated reporters. The online system is  for non-emergencies and allows mandated reporters more flexibility to make a non-emergency report at a time that is convenient for them. The system also allows mandated reporters to avoid wait times sometimes experienced using the 800 number. Please see the attached flyer for more information about how to make a hotline report online. Please share this new information with any mandated reporters who may be interested.

Abuse & Neglect Reporting Tool

New ACEs Study from the CDC

ACEs Study from CDCA new CDC study about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) shows early adversity can impact adult education, employment, and income.

Adverse childhood experiences and life opportunities: Shifting the narrative, published in the October 2016 edition of Children and Youth Services Review, shows people who reported four or more ACEs were less likely to complete high school and more likely to be unemployed and live in a household with an income below the federal poverty level than those who reported no ACEs. Current efforts to prevent adversity early in life, including child abuse and neglect, may be more effective if they broaden public and professional understanding of the links between early adversity and poverty. The study stresses that prevention should address barriers in society that limit access to education, employment, and income and that perpetuate poverty across generations.

Experiences “Weigh in” for the Holidays

A new study from Cornell University indicates people feel more grateful for what they have done than for what they have and that feeling of gratitude also leads to more generous behavior. Learn more from Public News Service (MO) November 30, 2016.

New Year's 2017

Dads Mentoring Dads Program

Dads Mentoring DadsDads Mentoring Dads, a prevention program based in Rolla, provides new and inexperienced dads facing challenging circumstances with a mentor. Read more & hear about the program from Prevention Consultants of Missouri Director Jamie Myers.