Tax Check-Off Program
The Tax Check-off Program provides a quick, easy and effective way for Missourians to support CTF and our mission to prevent child abuse and neglect. When the Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) was established in 1983, the General Assembly determined that general revenue from the State of Missouri would not be appropriated to fund its activities. It was determined that the Tax Check-off Program would serve as the primary source of funding where donations to CTF could be made by the public on their state income tax returns.
Since 1990, as other worthwhile programs have been added as options to the check-off program, revenues have declined from this funding source. However, the check-off program remains a vitally important financial resource for CTF. In Fiscal Year 2019, Missourians generously donated nearly $42,000. CTF also receives funding from dedicated fees and other voluntary contributions such as from the sale of the “prevent child abuse” specialty license plates.
Look for the handprints! The instructions on the first page of your Missouri tax return will explain how you can choose to give all or a portion of your refund to CTF. You may also make a donation of any amount you wish by attaching a check made payable to CTF. Locate the box with the CTF handprint logo, check the box and indicate the amount of your contribution. Please contact your accountant for additional information.
A $25 donation or more may be used to fulfill the requirement for obtaining a CTF prevent child abuse license plate. Just fax a copy of your income tax form to the CTF office at 573-751-0254 or mail it to P.O. Box 1641, Jefferson City, MO 65102-1641. Be sure your faxed form indicates your donation amount and contact information. Upon receipt, CTF will mail you the Logo Use Authorization Statement (donation receipt) for presentation to the Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR) when requesting a CTF plate.
Your CTF donation is tax deductible, and through the work of CTF, your gift through the Missouri Tax Check Off Program makes a BIG difference in the lives of families and their children.
Thank you for helping to build Strong Families, Safe Kids in Missouri.
CTF Tax Check-off Program Flier
Missouri Tax Check-off Program General Statement
Tax Check-off Options
Missouri Tax Assistance Centers
CTF Tax Check-off Display Ad