A new federal study indicates a dramatic decrease in incidents of serious child abuse. Experts say the findings are proof that prevention programs such as home visitation for high risk parents, public education awareness campaigns, as well as increased efforts by child protection services and the criminal justice system are making a difference. The study, comparing data between 1993 and 2005, showed a 38% decrease in child sexual abuse, a 27% decline in emotional abuse, and a 15% drop in physical abuse.The findings were contained in the fourth installment of the National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect, a congressionally mandated study that has been conducted periodically by the Department of Health and Human Services. Richard Wexler, executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, said “The best use of scarce child welfare dollars is on prevention and family preservation…"
[For more go to MSNBC online, ABCNews online and related video from CBS Evening News]