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Make Your Mark Against Child Abuse

Tax Checkoff 2016 flierA child’s experiences have a direct link to their health and well-being in adulthood. Investing in children early in their life is key to helping them have a successful future.  A gift through Missouri’s Tax Check-off Program makes a BIG difference in the life of a child at risk for abuse and neglect.  Last year generous Missourians donated over $95,000 to CTF through the tax check-off program.   This year, thanks to Missourians like you, we are well on our way to exceeding that amount.   With your help we can make a difference in preventing abuse and neglect and building strong families. Read more.


School Nurses – How Social Determinants Impact Their Work

MissouriKidsCount_logoIn this second article of three installments, Missouri Kids Count explores the role of school nurses and their valuable impact on kids, families,  schools, and communities.  View/download pdf version of article.


Blog Post – A Thug Named Steve

Please take a few minutes to read this inspiring blog post entitled A Thug Named Steve written by prison ministries volunteer and author Cindy Sanford, first appearing in Juvenile Justice Information Exchange and reposted in ACES Too High.


Webinar – Integrating Healthy Relationship Education in High School & College

Join the National Resource Center for Healthy Marriage and Families for a new free webinar that discusses the benefits of integrating healthy relationship education in high school and college. Thursday, February 11, 2016 1 p.m – 2:30 p.m. (CST) Register here.