The Missouri Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) is seeking a consultant to assist CTF staff in evaluating projects designed to prevent child sexual abuse. Preference will be given to consultants who have experience evaluating community-based projects with multiple components.

The Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) is Missouri’s foundation for child abuse prevention. CTF was created by the Missouri General Assembly in 1983 as a 501c(3) non-profit organization with the sole purpose to prevent the abuse and neglect of children. Located within the Missouri Office of Administration, CTF is governed by a 17-member Board of Directors.
In awarding Child Sexual Abuse Prevention grants, CTF prioritized funding communities with documented high rates and/or high counts of child sexual abuse. To identify communities with high rates and/or high counts of child sexual abuse, CTF considered the most recently available data by county and by zip code. Maps illustrating the thirty highest zip codes by rate and count, as well as average child sexual abuse rates by county can be reviewed at:
> Child Sexual Abuse – 30 Highest Zip Codes by Rate and Count:
> Average Child Sexual Abuse Report Rates by County (2008-2018):
CTF seeks a consultant who will work with CTF to:
- Administer child sexual abuse prevention project assessments to four sites. Sites will be using multiple strategies in their efforts to prevent child sexual abuse. Many of those interventions have prescribed evaluation/data collection tools that will need to be incorporated into the assessments. Approved interventions include:
Approved Interventions | Evaluation Tools |
Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children training ( | Stewards of Children training post survey |
Child and Teen Safety Matters Curriculum ( | Pre/post surveys |
Treatment for youth with problematic sexual behaviors | Treatment assessments, treatment plans, case notes, program exit/completion survey, Multi-Disciplinary Team (when applicable) case notes |
Work with youth-serving organizations to establish child protection policies and codes of conduct for how adults interact with children, including use of the Circles of Safety training ( | Tracking process outcomes such as number of organizations provided policy improvement consultation, and pre/post assessment (when applicable) |
- Provide technical assistance on evaluation to four sites. While some interventions that sites plan to implement have a model-specific evaluation component, CTF is interested in evaluating the overall impact of projects in their respective communities, so developing evaluation plans that incorporate all data is critical;
- Provide feedback on sites’ progress to CTF staff; and
- Write final evaluation report on child sexual abuse prevention program progress of grantees.
February 16, 2021: Proposals are due to CTF by close of business (5:00 p.m.)
March 10, 2021: Notice of award will be made on or before this date
This contract will be paid based on an all-inclusive hourly rate of actual hours. The evaluation contract will be based on an evaluation period that will begin March 1, 2021 and end December 31, 2024.
Proposals shall not exceed three pages in length and will respond to the following:
- What are the applicant’s individual and/or agency experience in working on evaluating child abuse prevention programs?
- Please identify the primary individual(s) who will work on this project and describe their academic and professional background related to evaluation.
- What is the methodology that the applicant would use to accomplish the scope of work?
- Why is the applicant interested in working with CTF and/or on the issue of child sexual prevention?
- Please include a budget, including all-inclusive hourly rate, and estimate of hours needed to complete tasks outline in scope of work.
Completed proposals must be emailed to Laura Malzner at by 5:00 p.m. on February 16, 2021. Selection will be based on the best and lowest bid. Further inquiries may be made to Laura by email or by calling 573-751-6511/5147.