CTF is excited to announce the availability of the Missouri Home Visiting Referral System’s CRIS Link. The CRIS Link is a one-stop shop for anyone to make a referral for early childhood home visiting services within Missouri. All early childhood (prenatal to five) home visiting programs can contact their Regional CRIS Network to learn more or join their region’s CRIS Network.
Each CRIS network is led by a collective impact site that manages participating home visiting programs and models within its region. Collectively, this statewide system is called the Missouri Home Visiting Referral System.
Why Join?
Join your network of providers to receive and manage early childhood home visiting referrals. There are many benefits to joining your Regional CRIS Network:
· Manage capacity by turning referrals on and off as needed.
· CRIS can supplement other referral sources.
· Training & Technical Assistance is available as needed.
· No more trying to remember coverage, eligibility, and capacity — the CRIS can do that for you!
· Families are matched with a program that meets their needs and location — no more falling through the cracks.
To learn more or ask questions, please contact:
· tara.goins@oa.mo.gov or;
· Find your region’s CRIS Coordinator on the CRIS Map or with the CRIS Link.