Jefferson City/Statewide
Safe Cribs for Missouri
Safe Cribs for Missouri was established in 2010, and is implemented through the Local (county) Public Health Agencies (LPHA’s). The program provides safe portable cribs, fitted crib sheets and safe sleep education to low-income Missouri residents who have no other resources for obtaining a crib. An inter-agency agreement between the Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) and the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services (DHSS) is the catalyst that fills a critical need for cribs in many communities. To avoid duplication, the program does not operate in counties that already have an active crib program.
Eligible families include those struggling with unemployment or underemployment, lack of education, inadequate housing, domestic violence, chronically ill children and lack of transportation. A follow-up education session is conducted in the home approximately four to six weeks after the initial session, or when the infant is four to six weeks old. During the follow-up visit, the LPHA educator assesses the family’s use of safe sleep practices and reinforces safe sleep education. A Home Visit Compliance Questionnaire is completed documenting the client’s knowledge and use of safe sleep practices. While in the home, the educator also provides information as needed regarding smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, car seat safety, smoking cessation and other health and safety topics. Additionally, among other resources, the CTF Never Shake & Safe Sleep for Your Baby DVD is shown to every crib recipient.
For more information:
Mary List, Health Program Representative
Bureau of Genetics and Healthy Childhood, DHSS