What does your donation mean? The following are examples of what some specific dollar amounts might mean for families and organizations across Missouri who are working to prevent child abuse and neglect and create strong families and safe communities.
$25 – Prevention Literature
All CTF prevention literature is free of charge to people, organizations and businesses in Missouri; therefore, a donation of $25 would permit 250 families/organizations to receive parent education materials at no cost.
$50 – Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)/Safe Sleep DVD
Educating parents and caregivers about the dangers of shaking a baby and safe sleep environments for their baby are major CTF priorities. Your gift of $50 would provide 50 DVDs to Missouri hospitals, healthcare facilities, home visitors and other providers who work with parents and future parents.
$75 – Safe Sleep for Every Baby
Infant injuries and deaths from unsafe sleeping arrangements continue to be a serious problem. Each gift of $75 can provide a safe crib, mattress, crib sheets and safe sleep education for a parent or caregiver who otherwise could not afford a safe place for their baby to sleep.
$100 – Home Visitation
Voluntary home visiting programs match parents with trained professionals to provide information and support during pregnancy and throughout their child’s early years. Your donation of $100 will cover the cost of a home visit to a parent at risk or in need, including parents with a medically fragile infant, by a qualified home visiting nurse.
$250 – Positive Parenting Programs
Teaching young and future parents positive skills and role modeling for parenting; addressing protective factors; handling conflict; and understanding the emotional, mental and physical developmental stages of a child are critical pieces to successful prevention. A gift of $250 would purchase a Parenting Skills Program to be implemented in a Missouri middle school, high school or youth organization.
$500 – Engaging Fathers
Empowering fathers, reminding them of their responsibility to their family, and having them re-engage into their children’s lives are important prevention strategies and proven ways to strengthen families. A donation of $500 would pay for 5 weeks (10 hours) of Fatherhood or Parent Child Together Classes for dads and their kids.
$1000 – Crisis Nursery/Respite Care
All parents and caretakers become stressed at some point. Parenting can be a tough and overwhelming job, and all parents need support or help from time to time. A gift of $1000 would pay for a child’s stay in a crisis nursery or respite care facility for one week where they are safe.