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April is Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention Month

CAPMflyer2016April is Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Month here in Missouri and across the country.  This year’s theme focuses on Building Community, Building Hope. Many communities around the state are gearing up for events and activities scheduled throughout the month to emphasize the critical importance of preventing child abuse and neglect and keeping children safe.  Go Blue Day for Missouri’s kids is scheduled for Friday, April 8.  Please join us along with thousands of Missourians on that day in wearing blue to promote the safety and well being of Missouri’s kids and the importance of child abuse prevention.  Please visit the National Child Abuse Prevention Month website for additional resources and ideas.


Building Community, Building Hope – 2016 Prevention Resource Guide 

2016 Prevention Resource GuideThe 2016 Prevention Resource Guide – Building Community, Building Hope is now available to download.  The resource guide is produced annually by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Children’s Bureau, Office on Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Welfare Information Gateway, and FRIENDS National Resource Center to support community-based child abuse prevention professionals who work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well-being.  Released in preparation for April – National Child Abuse Prevention Month, this guide provides information that anyone can use and share throughout the year.  ________________________________


Within Our Reach: A National Strategy to Eliminate Child Abuse & Neglect Fatalities

CECANF-final-reportAfter two years of meetings, research and deliberations, the federal Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse & Neglect Fatalities issued their final report and recommendations on March 17. The 168-page report, entitled “Within Our Reach: A National Strategy to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities,” presents recommendations for actions that the Commission believes will be effective in ending these deaths as the result of child abuse and neglect.   Also download the helpful fact sheet.


Child Advocacy Day 2016

ChildAdvocacyPlan to attend Child Advocacy Day, Wednesday April 6, 2016, Missouri State Capitol.   In its 34th year, Missouri’s annual Child Advocacy Day is an opportunity for parents, child advocates and communities to speak up and ask lawmakers to make the health, safety, and education of Missouri’s children a top priority for the state.  Register here.