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CTF Annual Report Available

The Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2011 is now available and highlights CTF’s prevention activities, events, grants and public education campaigns from July 2010 through June 2011.  During that time, CTF distributed nearly $2.5 million...

Make A Small Amount Count

Help us build Strong Families, Safe Kids through the Tax Check-off Program!  Whether you are filing online or by traditional methods, a SMALL donation from you could make a BIG difference for Missouri’s kids.  CTF funds help kids & families in every region...

Child Abuse & Neglect Cost the United States $124 Billion

A new study released from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that child abuse and neglect rivals the cost of other high profile public health problems in the United States.  The total lifetime estimated financial costs associated with just one...
Child Maltreatment Report Available

Child Maltreatment Report Available

The Administration for Children and Families recently released its latest annual report on child abuse and neglect.  Child Maltreatment 2010 shows a steady decline in the number of victims who suffered maltreatment for the fourth consecutive year.  As in past years,...