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Kids+Cars = Safety

As summer temperatures heat up in Missouri, the Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) reminds all parents and caretakers to never leave a child unattended in or around a vehicle. The interior of a vehicle can heat up to temperatures well over 100 degrees in just a few short...

Early Interventions Create a Healthier Future

A new article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reinforces the importance of prevention programs and policies that support safe, stable and nurturing relationships and environments for children.  According to authors James...

Governor Nixon Appoints New Board Members

Governor Jay Nixon recently appointed three members to the Children's Trust Fund (CTF) Board of Directors.  Joining the CTF Board are Susan E. Block, University City; Stacey L. Dujakovich, Kansas City; and Robert J. Harris, M.D., Columbia. Block...

2008 Kids Count Missouri Data Book

Teen pregnancy and high school dropout rates have increased while child abuse has decreased.  That is among the data reflected in the most recent edition of the 2008 Kids Count Missouri Data Book.  Citizens For Missouri’s Children (CMC) Executive Director F....