The Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2013 is now available and highlights CTF’s prevention activities, events, grants and public education campaigns from July 2012 through June 2013.
During that time, CTF distributed over $3.2 million in prevention funding to support 116 community-based programs providing home visitation, safe crib/safe sleep, crisis nursery, mentoring, parent education, sexual abuse prevention, family support, public awareness & other prevention initiatives. Since its 1983 inception, CTF has distributed over $48 million in prevention funds from donations & dedicated fees.
CTF continued its public education campaigns including Strengthening Families with the development of a related rack card; Never Shake A Baby addressing abusive head trauma; Not Even For A Minute (NEFAM) reminding caregivers about the dangers of leaving children in and around vehicles; Safe to Sleep by updating materials; Words Help addressing the prevention of child emotional abuse & neglect; & Parent with Patience promoting positive parenting.
Read all about it and thank you for your continued support!